"Britain's greatest living anti-comedian" (Guardian), Ed Aczel is an oddball among oddballs. We analyse his "instinctive adventure" within comedy, and discover how to create and burst tension in unexpected ways; the secret of destabilising beauty; and whether Ed knows why he's funny.
Join the Insiders Club at www.comedianscomedian.com/insiders to access extra material including Ed on the rise of the oddball act on the UK scene, a recap of the "Dr Brown" clown course Ed and Stu found themselves on together, and why there's no such thing as a wasted journey...
Edward Aczel (@edwardaczel)
Book now for LIVE ComComPods:
Mar 23rd 1pm - Live special with comedy legend TBC @ Birmingham Podcast Festival!
Stu’s 2019 tour of “End Of” is on sale now!
“A comedy masterclass… Endlessly inventive” (The List)
Tickets for the first half of the tour at these links:
22/02/2019 Maidenhead – Norden Farm
01/03/2019 Falmouth – The Poly
13/03/2019 Salisbury Art Centre
20/03/2019 Cheltenham Playhouse
29/03/2019 Crawley -The Hawth
05/04/2019 Reading – South Street Arts
12/04/2019 Leamington Spa - Royal Spa Centre
17/04/2019 Oxford Old Fire Station
19/04/2019 Bromsgrove – The Artix
27/04/2019 Plymouth Barbican
9-11/05/2019 Soho Theatre, London
@comcompod | www.comedianscomedian.com
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Filed Under: Acting, Actor, Alternative Comedy, Audiences, BBC, Clown, Dr Brown, Edinburgh, Festival, First Open Spot, Fringe, Improv, Interview, Isolation, Jimmy Carr, Jobs, John Kearns, John Luke Roberts, Kate Copstick, Robin Ince, Sam Simmons, Sarah Millican, Simon Munnery, So You Think You’re Funny, Stage Persona, Stewart Lee, Success, The Comedy Store, The Guardian, Tom Allen, Tommy Cooper, Tony Law, Twitter, Underbelly, Vic And Bob, Whimsy, Writing Jokes, Writing On Stage, YouTube
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