Artist, comedian, provocateur and cleaner, Kim Noble is far more concerned with pursuing his artistic instinct than the trappings of success. From sneaking into B&Q dressed as staff (engaging with the customers and sometimes not even recording it), to his brilliant new podcast “Futile Attempts”, we find a man relentless in his integrity and experimentation, but sometimes adrift from the comedy community and the wider world.
We learn the sometimes devastating effect of his constant recording on his personal life; find out how his mum felt about his possible exploitation of his dementia-suffering father; and talk about innocence, terror, and overstepping the line.
30 minutes of extra content, available exclusively to members of the Insiders Club, includes Kim on his most recent “meltdown”; a meta chat about the pros and cons of his notion to record his appearance on the podcast and take control of the audio; the story behind “Noble and Silver” and why they split… and dread.
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Watch the “Noble and Silver: Get Off Me” episode filmed in one take:
Everything Stu's up to:
This podcast is @ComComPod on twitter and instagram
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Stu also co-hosts the “Child Labour" parenting podcast with Sindhu Vee
Mondays 9pm BST - "The Infinite Sofa" chat show
Top celebrity talent (previous guests include Dara O'Briain, Sarah Millican and Russell Howard) join Stu and 12 members of the public, in an increasingly cult-like live online performance experiment.
Tuesdays 8pm BST - "Chops" Online comedy club
Filed Under: Acting, Adam and Joe, Adam Buxton, Age, Alternative Comedy, Art, Audiences, Awards, Channel 4, Character, Clown, comcompod, Corona, COVID-19, Depression, Directing, Double Act, Edinburgh, Fame, Festival, Fringe, Futile Attempts, Hatemail, Heckles, Inspiration, Interview, Isolation, Jobs, John Kearns, Noble and Silver, Onstage Persona, Podcasting, Poetry, Pope Lonergan, Problems, Risk, Rob Auton, Sketch, Stage Persona, Success, Tim Key, TV, TV Comedy
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