Almost certainly the comedian with the most online content in the world, Paul Smith has uploaded over 1000 short clips of his crowdwork at Liverpool's Hot Water Comedy Club, and caught a wave of success he could never have imagined. We talk about the moment he nearly lost control of his 8000-strong hometown arena show, why he doesn't want or need TV exposure, and how he feels about the prospect of being credited as the originator of certain stock material and structures...
30 mins of extras available by joining the Insiders Club at including Paul's advice for comics aiming to follow in his footsteps, his very early TV work in a standup competition, and how he manages to retain his resistance to pressure.
Paul's Youtube clips | @paulisthejoker | Paul's upcoming Hot Water gigs
Tickets for my show Primer at this year's Edinburgh Fringe
@ComComPod |
Filed Under: Audiences, Awards, Compere, Compere/MC/Hosting, Competitions, Dan Nightingale, Daniel Kitson, Heckles, Hot Water, Improv, Interview, Jobs, Liverpool, Mainstream, Markus Birdman, Onstage Persona, Open Spot, Persona, Risk, Stage Persona, Stereotypes, Storytelling, Structure, Success, TV, Twitter, Viral, Writing Jokes, Writing On Stage, XS Malarkey, YouTube
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